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St Brides PS Belfast

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14th Mar 2024
We have been learning to write newspaper reports this week. We have included all...
12th Mar 2024
The Girls’ Gaelic team are through to semi- final of Division 1 Championship.After...
12th Mar 2024
A big thank you to the four Year 4 classes who hosted a bun sale in aid of Trócaire....
12th Mar 2024
In Ashleigh we have the best team of litter pickers who continue to keep our school...
7th Mar 2024
Wow! The entries for this year’s decorate your classroom door for World Book...
7th Mar 2024
These four beauties spent lunch time and break time raising money for Trócaire...
7th Mar 2024
We read lots of books in class and home. We think our classroom door looks wonderful! 