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19th Feb 2024
Safer Internet Day, we drew people we trust who we could chat to if we saw something...
19th Feb 2024
These keen fundraisers got our Lenten fundraising off to a great start. Thank you...
19th Feb 2024
A big thank you to Year 1NC who helped to launch Trócaire's Lenten campaign...
9th Feb 2024
Primary 4’s first visit to the Libary.
9th Feb 2024
P4 Murphy’s learn about World War 2 by writing letters home using fountain...
8th Feb 2024
We love the moments of joy, happiness, fun and letting go in our class! 
8th Feb 2024
We have lots of people in our lives whom we love dearly and it’s to them we...
8th Feb 2024
We have been learning lots about mental health this week! Lots of visitors to our...
8th Feb 2024
We are very proud of our finished pieces. Can you find a favourite? 