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St Brides PS Belfast

News - P3

27th Jun 2024
Mrs McMahon, Miss Sarah & Mr Quinn will surely miss these jolly faces each morning,...
14th Jun 2024
Today was THE day and everyone was very excited! We had a guided workshop in the...
14th Jun 2024
First Estimation and then measuring using metre sticks in class and the PE hall!...
12th Jun 2024
Mrs McMahon couldn't be prouder of her student Arziv who has worked diligently and...
9th Jun 2024
We had a brilliant morning! We were a bit early so we explored Botanic Gardens and...
7th Jun 2024
Lorcan, Matthew and Torin played chess in Stormont parliment building! We got a special...
21st May 2024
Learning outdoors is the best learning. We took our chalk and wrote TU subraction...
19th May 2024
Not only did we had fun with Fitness Freddy today we also made Top Hats in class...
17th May 2024
Fitness Freddy was back in St.Bride's shaking his hips and tapping his toes with...