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St Brides PS Belfast

Sports Days

24th Jun 2024
The boys and girls received their medals today for a fantastic Sports Day. The children...
6th Jun 2024
What a fantastic Sports Day! Everyone tried really hard and we enjoyed cheering...
23rd Jun 2023
Year 7 Leavers were presented with their well deserved Sport's Day medals during...
23rd Jun 2023
P1 Wynne had a great day at Sports Day on 14th June! Have a look at the photos and...
22nd Jun 2023
There were a lot of medal winners in P5Young at the Year 5 Sports Day Presentation. Congratulations...
20th Jun 2023
Year 5 Young had made great preparations for Sports Day. Armed with their homemade...
17th Jun 2023
What an amazing Sports Day P6 McAuley had today. They performed brilliantly, giving...

Sport's Day 2014 - Mary Peter's Track
