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St Brides PS Belfast

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21st May 2024
Learning outdoors is the best learning. We took our chalk and wrote TU subraction...
20th May 2024
Today marked the last day for the Girls' P6&7 Gaelic team training after school...
20th May 2024
Multiplying decimals in the beautiful May sunshine. 
19th May 2024
After a loss in the Raffo Cup 2023 , there were scenes of pure JOY when the cup returned...
19th May 2024
Not only did we had fun with Fitness Freddy today we also made Top Hats in class...
17th May 2024
Fitness Freddy was back in St.Bride's shaking his hips and tapping his toes with...
16th May 2024
Writing procedures can be great fun if it ends with making 'Top Hats'.    Today,we...
14th May 2024
Looking after our mental health in P5Y. Enjoy and we hope we make you smile. Our...