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St Brides PS Belfast

News - Sports Day

24th Jun 2024
The boys and girls received their medals today for a fantastic Sports Day. The children...
6th Jun 2024
What a fantastic Sports Day! Everyone tried really hard and we enjoyed cheering...

2022/2023 School Year

23rd Jun 2023
Year 7 Leavers were presented with their well deserved Sport's Day medals during...
23rd Jun 2023
P1 Wynne had a great day at Sports Day on 14th June! Have a look at the photos and...
22nd Jun 2023
There were a lot of medal winners in P5Young at the Year 5 Sports Day Presentation. Congratulations...
20th Jun 2023
Year 5 Young had made great preparations for Sports Day. Armed with their homemade...
17th Jun 2023
What an amazing Sports Day P6 McAuley had today. They performed brilliantly, giving...

2021/2022 School Year
