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St Brides PS Belfast

News - Nursery

7th Jun 2024
Have a look at our magnificent nursery. Please click on the link below and enjoy...
15th Mar 2024
Claire Kelly from Trócaire visited St. Bride’s to tell our pupils all...
29th Feb 2024
Such fun, stimulating activities in the nursery ! Firstly some were playing at the...
5th Dec 2023
Look at these two stimulating sets ups in Nursery . The first is an invitation to...
18th Nov 2023
A little glimpse into St. Bride’s NU. Such wonderful activities and what independent...
15th Nov 2023
St. Bride’s Primary and Nursery Unit Open Morning will be on Friday the 5th...

2022/2023 School Year

2021/2022 School Year

26th May 2022
Dear Parents Here is the Powerpoint presentation that was used at the Induction...
6th Dec 2021
Ho! Ho! Ho! Have a look at the raffle prizes for our wonderful Christmas ballot. Each...
9th Nov 2021
Watch the clip snd see what life is like during a typical outdoor play session in...