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St Brides PS Belfast

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31st Jan 2024
Yr7G made some St. Brigid’s Crosses. It is not as easy as it looks! Hopefully...
31st Jan 2024
As part of Catholics School Week Yr3 McN made cards for their grandparents! No doubt...
31st Jan 2024
P3 McNamee are busy learning about symmetry….Lego is always fun!
31st Jan 2024
Year 3 Mc Namee are busy preparing for St. Brigid’s Day. They made wonderful...
31st Jan 2024
Today Year 5M/Mck represented all of Key Stage 2 and got their picture taken by Mal...
30th Jan 2024
Our teacher gathered the rushes from her home in south Derry and brought them to...
29th Jan 2024
In groups, the children created ancient Egypt in Minecraft education. They included...
29th Jan 2024
Last week Mrs McIlvenny's P2 class went for a walk to Church. We wanted to see all...
24th Jan 2024
We worked in groups to share facts about St.Brigid and created a display for the...