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St Brides PS Belfast

News - P2

2017/2018 School Year

17th Apr 2018
P2 have been learning all about the properties of materials. We enjoyed testing magnetic...
13th Apr 2018
On Friday P2 ventured outside to do some problem solving. The task was to find half...
28th Mar 2018
On Tuesday 27 March P2 O'Prey had a Sponsored Dance. It was to raise money for Trocáire....
21st Mar 2018
We were so excited to have our mummies/ daddies/ nannies, grandads, child minders,...
21st Mar 2018
On Tuesday 20 March the children in P2 O'Prey celebrated a Prayer Service in the...
15th Mar 2018
P2 Cunningham have been learning what a plant needs to grow. We labelled the parts...
14th Mar 2018
During March P2 O'Prey have been learning about pets. Last week the children collected...
6th Mar 2018
Lights, camera, action! We are a confident bunch! P2 Cunningham presented their reasons...
22nd Feb 2018
P2 have been learning all about pets and the vets. We have painted our favourite...