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St Brides PS Belfast

News - P2

2018/2019 School Year

15th Apr 2019
Mr. Heatherington. the vet, came in to talk to the P2’s about his job. He explained...
15th Apr 2019
The new outdoor playground is amazing! We all love going on the slide and the tricycles...
15th Apr 2019
On World Book Day a very strange thing happened. All the boys and girls transformed...
15th Apr 2019
On Friday the 5th of April it was Superhero day in St. Bride’s to mark the...
15th Apr 2019
On Wednesday the 3rd of April the parents came to our classroom to join us in our...
15th Apr 2019
As part of our Activity Based Learning we are investigating the topic People Who...
15th Apr 2019
On Wednesday 10th of April P2 Meehan and P2 Toal went to W5 to learn more about materials. We...
11th Apr 2019
Wow what a day! On Thursday P2 O'Prey went to W5 in Belfast. First we travelled on...
5th Apr 2019
Many children in Year 2 Mc Dermott have scooted, walked and cycled to school over...
5th Apr 2019
On Thursday 4th April Primary 2 McDermott had their in class prayer service. Mummies...