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St Brides PS Belfast

News - P3 McNamee

2018/2019 School Year

8th Mar 2019
  This PE lesson saw us all flying on a Magic Carpet! We had to balance...
8th Mar 2019
This week we were busy with lots of new activities! We were programming our Bee...
8th Mar 2019
We had great fun dressing up to celebrate our love of reading for World Book Day....
7th Mar 2019
Take a look at the front covers of our favourite books! As World Book Day was...
14th Feb 2019
We have been so busy this month during our Activity Based Learning sessions! Take...
14th Feb 2019
  We had visitors to our school last month who were able to do lots of balancing...
25th Jan 2019
This month we have been very busy during ABL. We have writing our own play scripts....
25th Jan 2019
  Take a look at all of our front covers of our favourite books! We brought...
25th Jan 2019
  This week in music we were exploring ways to make sounds. In our groups...
13th Nov 2018
Today we had our first rugby lesson. We went over to St Brides Hall and we met Roy...