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St Brides PS Belfast


28th Feb 2024
Philip and Sinead from Danske Bank came to P2 O'Prey to teach us about money. We...
28th Feb 2024
Year 4 enjoyed the WW2 Workshop. They were totally immersed in life between 1939-45....
26th Feb 2024
We had a brilliant start to the week when we visited the Lisburn Road library where...
22nd Feb 2024
To finish our Ancient Egyptian topic, the children each created an Egyptian cartouche...
21st Feb 2024
We are beginning to think of brighter evenings, playing outdoors and warm sunshine....
20th Feb 2024
P5GH enjoying a Fighting Words writing workshop. We had great fun creating our characters...
20th Feb 2024
P7 Magill participated in an online workshop - Values in Action by Manchester United
20th Feb 2024
P7 Magill participated in the Micro:bit  Magic workshop for NI Science Festival....