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Year 5 McAulay Trip to Botanic Gardens

10th Feb 2015

On the 3rd February, Mr McAuley’s P.5 class went to Botanic Gardens to learn about Ulster Wildlife. We worked together in groups to make bird food as the various birds would find it difficult to find all their food in the cold weather. The food was made from a mixture of ingredients, such as, lard, sultanas, seeds, suet and meal worms. We mixed it altogether with our hands, which was disgusting but fun. The lard smelled revolting and the meal worms were dead. We stuck the mixture to pine cones, which we attached to trees in the Botanic Gardens. We also took part in some bird watching which was great fun! We would love to go again!

Thanks to Siobhan and Robbie for all the hard work and help,

Kate and Iseult
