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St Brides PS Belfast

Photo Galleries

2017/2018 School Year

1st Jun 2018
Mr McAuley’s class had a wonderful Sports Day. The atmosphere was fantastic...

2015/2016 School Year

24th Jun 2016
On Wednesday we had our sports day. We started with stations. We did lots of different...
24th Jun 2016
We had a great day on Wednesday at the YMCA. We all ran and giggled and cheered....
24th Jun 2016
We had great fun at our Sports Day! We had lots of races! We did a sprint, a potato...
21st Jun 2016
Today the Year 3 held their annual Sports Day at the YMCA. Thankfully the rained...
9th Jun 2016
What a fantastic Sports Day! Everyone tried really hard and we enjoyed cheering...
2nd Jun 2016
Miss Rogers’ class practicing for Sports Day trials, under the team Rogers...