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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 5 McAllister Pro-bots

2nd Mar 2016

Pro-Bots are cool

In class we had great fun working with the Pro-Bots. There were grids and you had to get the Pro-Bots to travel around the outside of a variety of shapes. You had to key in instructions for the Pro-Bot to move. For example “Forward one, right 90, forward 6..”. The Pro-Bot had a marker attached through the middle. You keyed in the instructions and then the Pro-Bot would draw the exact same shape as the outline on the grid on a clean sheet of paper.  We worked in groups. I like working in groups. We took it in turns to key in the instructions. We did not always key in the commands correctly! We had to use trial and error.

By Katherine (Yr. 5 McAr) 
