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St Brides PS Belfast

Second Place in Beat the Street !

14th Nov 2016


On Friday the 11th of November a small group of Year 2, 5 and 6 pupils  went to the PEC to represent the school.  They were presented with the second place prize for “Beat the Street.”

The Lord Mayor presented the children with £500 of vouchers for Decathlon which Mrs Quinn will put to good use.

Mrs Maureen Morgan, whose son is in Primary Two, also won the spot prize. Mrs Morgan went down to Botanic Park on the last day of the “Beat the Street” Challenge and tapped the golden box many times.  She chose a beautiful bicycle for her lovely son. How lucky is he?

A big thank you to the “Beat the Street” team,  to Miss Mc Dermott for co-ordinating the challenge in school, and to all the pupils,  parents and many others who supported St. Bride’s Primary School in this wonderful initiative. “Beat the Street” encouraged   many of us to walk, run, scoot or cycling to school.  We hope you all keep it up.
