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St Brides PS Belfast

Primary 1 McNamee PE Balancing Lesson

23rd Oct 2017

Today we all went into the hall for PE. We warmed up by playing our ‘Beans’ game! When we hear

‘beans on toast’ we have to lie down flat on our backs and pretend we are beans on a plate of toast!

When Mrs McNamee says ‘frozen beans’ we have to freeze like a statue and when she says ‘jelly

beans’ we have to wibble and wobble like jelly!

Then we got our beanbags and had to move around the hall balancing them on different parts of our

body. We balanced them on our hands, shoulders, chests, heads and even our feet. Lara and Ellie

even balanced their beanbags on their elbows!

When we were moving around the hall we had to be careful not to bump into anyone and not let

our beanbags fall. Mrs McNamee said we were very good listeners.

Why don’t you play the ‘Beans’ game with your families at home?
