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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 Merron - O'clock

15th Mar 2018

We have been learning all about the o'clock time this week. We have been looking at clocks in class and naming the hands, yes clocks have hands!! We can see a long hand and a short hand and most clocks (that have batteries) have a hand that moves around quickly all the time called the second hand. The clocks we have in class don't have the second hand because they have no batteries. Our clocks have a long/big hand (minute hand) and a short/small hand (hour hand).

We have been learning to tell o'clock times. We know it is an o'clock time if the long hand is pointing to the number 12. Wherever the small hand is pointing tells us which o'clock time it is. We have been showing Mrs Merron our o'clock times.

We have talked about what we do and particular o'clock times e.g. 9 o'clock we come to school, 12 o'clock we have lunch and 2 o'clock is home time!

There are useful apps you can get to practise the o'clock times. The ones we use in school are called 'Telling time' and 'interactive telling time'.
