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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 Merron - Nursery Rhyme

26th Sep 2017

We have been talking lots about nursery rhymes over the last two weeks. We have watched the nursery rhymes on the computer and sang them in class. We have been learning all about writing and making marks to show what we have drawn. You can see our brilliant literacy books and the great pictures and writing to go along with it. Mrs Merron is going to teach us all about letters and words this year and we can't wait. At the moment some of us know some letters and some know how to make marks (we realise print carries meaning). We have been looking at the secretarial aspects of writing. Where to start on the page, what to do when we run out of space on the line and what comes at the end. Enjoy checking out our lovely work. Maybe you could try some writing at home and let your adult know what you have written?
