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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 McNamee Syllable Sorting

11th Oct 2017

This week we were all very busy sorting syllables. We had a box of pictures and we had to sort them onto 4 different circles.

Each circle had a number of dots on it and if a picture had one syllable in it (star) we put that picture on the circle with one dot. Or if it was a picture with 4 syllables in (alligator: all – i – gat – or) we put it on the circle with 4 dots.

We had to work with our partner and check if we both got them correct. If we made a mistake we helped each other.

We had to touch our, heads, shoulders, knees and toes as we said each word to check how many syllables there were. Mrs McNamee said we were trying very hard to listen carefully!

Fergal and Ellie put a picture of a ‘pan’ on the one syllable circle and a picture of a ‘tel-e-vis-ion’ on the four syllable circle. Orla and Kairo had different pictures to sort, they put the word ‘lem-on-ade’ on the 3 syllable circle. Mustafa was working on his own and was really busy sorting his syllables! Cillian O’C and Marguerite sorted their pictures together, can you guess what circle they put the ‘watermelon’ and ‘hot dog’ picture on?

You could go on a syllable hunt around your house and see how many 1, 2, 3, 4 syllable things you have. Remember to tidy up after!
