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Yr4 McI: Bubbles, Lego, Camping, Painting, Reading Skills.... What Will They Be Up To Next?

28th Apr 2020

Aryan joined Teams and was working on reading skills at home using his learning pack, but he misses everyone at school.

Kai was camping in his back garden at the weekend because the weather was so good and today, he had a go at making a bee out of Lego.

Ethan finished his Maths work and then made a rainbow picture to celebrate the wonderful work being done by our heroes, the NHS.

Sarah R went onto a Science website and learnt how to create a bubble mixture. She then had to make the wand and had a go at creating giant bubbles in the garden.

I think lots more boys and girls will be trying that out tomorrow , Sarah ! It looks like great fun.

Mrs Mc Ilroy and Mrs Quinn are delighted with you all.
