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St Brides PS Belfast

Year Five Mc Allister Read #Goldilocks- A Hashtag Cautionary Tale

3rd Dec 2019

Today in class Year 5 Mc Allister enjoyed the new book #Goldilocks.

It was an interesting take on the fairytale Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

It was a very modern version whereby Goldilocks sends photographs on her phone. In her quest to get as many “likes” as possible, she ends up hurting people’s feelings.

The pupils enjoyed the tale which really rhymed. After we had a fun question and answer session. There were three answers to choose from and it was fun deciding. 

There were many warning in this cautionary tale. 

This is what we learned:

Firstly do not post anyone’s pictures without their permission. You must respect what other people are happy with.

Remember when you post a photo on line everyone can see it. If you are not sure it is probably best not to post.

If you post something you regret , delete it and then ask for advice. They will be able to help you and tell you if there is anything else you should do.

It is never ok to post something nasty on line. Remember to always consider the feelings of others.

Finally always remember if someone is nasty online to you tell your mum, your dad or your teacher! They will be able to help you feel better and deal with the situation in the best way.
