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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 6 Montague Anti- Bullying Assembly - Focus Racism

21st Nov 2019

On Friday Year 6 Montague held their first assembly of Year 6.

Their focus was anti- bullying with a focus on racism.

The assembly started with the class announcing that only those children with "Brown Eyes", the Same colour as Mrs Quinn's eyes, would get out to play at break time. There was a murmur of disapproval amongst the children in the hall as to how unfair this was. This was to highlight how people are prejudiced in life for things such as skin colour, religion etc..  

The class told stories about people in the past such as Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks who had suffered discrimination because of their skin colour. They told about racial discrimination in America and Apartheid in South Africa. It was shocking to realise that this events happened in the recent past and that they continue today.

Year 6 Montague and Mrs Quinn finished the assembly with a series of prayers and a wonderful African song.

Have a listen!

