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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 6 McMahon Meet Author David O'Doherty

20th Oct 2016

Our trip to the Ulster Museum

By Emily P.6. McMahon

On 20th October 2016 our class went to visit the Ulster Museum to see David O’Doherty and Chris Judge’s new book ‘Dander Really Is Everywhere’

First we walked to the Ulster Museum with Conor’s mum and Mehidi’s mum. Then we got our seats in the lecture room. We sat close to the back but me and Ira got to sit at the front. We waited for a while for David O’Doherty and Chris Judge to come on stage. When they came on stage David O’Doherty started to ask us our fears and Chris Jude would draw them. Sophia said her aunt and then someone else said spiders so Chris combined Sophia’s aunt and spiders together and made ‘Spider Aunt’.

Then David asked us to make up a really boring superhero, Adam said Shoe Man! So Chris drew a man who only wore shoes! We talked about Scholl Dangers like TEACHERS BEING VAMPIRES! You would know this by their laugh , normal teachers laugh like {giggle, giggle, giggle} but vampire teachers laughs like {MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA}. We finished off by getting pictures with Chris and David and we got to take home pictures for the class.

