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Year 6 Mc Mahon Design Halloween Board Games

7th Nov 2019


In P6 McMahon, we made board games linked to the theme of ‘Halloween’.

We took inspiration from other board games such as snakes and ladders. We mixed these board games with our ideas and built them at home. We used things like cardboard boxes, paper and other recyclable parts. We created characters of Halloween things like goths, witches, spiders, Frankenstein, minions, killer clowns, Michael Myers, vampires, skeletons, Superman, Wonder Woman, Chucky, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley etc. We had to come up with hazards and problems on our game that the characters would face. We could choose to include things that would make them go forward e.g. You could collect cards which make you go forward a certain amount of spaces. We didn’t have to build games which used dice e.g. we could make Halloween chess with a zombie team and human team, colours: human team - peach, zombie team- green.

Some fabulous games were created and brought into school. We played them with our friends. Our class really enjoyed this because we could speak to our friends and explain the rules so everyone could join in.

Mrs McMahon helped us organise the games and took photos of us playing them. We all thoroughly enjoyed sharing our game with our friends. P6 is a very important year for us and we’ve been working hard so it was terrific to clear our head and not cram more information in our head without having a break every once in a while. It really helped our mental stimulation.

Our classes games were original not just copied games, they were self- inspired and were completely awesome J

Charlie and Sinawe
