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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 6 Mc Auley- Chloe Pens a letter to Cadbury's Chocolate

13th Jan 2020

I decided to write a letter to Cadburys because our class were reading a story on NewsDesk describing how deforestation for palm oil is effecting animals and their homes. The video we watched showed that palm oil is in a lot of products that we use every day and Cadbury’s chocolate is one of them. I have asked them if they could change their ingredients. I will continue to write to more companies asking them to think about their ingredients and the impact they are having on the world. I hope other people will do things like this to help the environment and protect our planet.


Cadburys recently replied to my letter but I don’t believe they have addressed the issue of using palm oil. They haven’t mentioned using alternatives to palm oil but just said where their palm oil came from. I hoped that they would provide some alternative ingredients that they could use instead of using palm oil in their products. I’m going to write back and ask them why they didn’t address exactly what I asked.
