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St Brides PS Belfast

Year 4 Gray

28th Apr 2020

Ellie has been writing a scary story about a bear using eerie adjectives.

Niamh decided to build a bug hotel because P4 have been learning all about minibeasts. She watched BBC Bitesize and learned a lot about where they live. This gave her an idea on what to put in the bug hotel.

George has recorded and shared some of his highlights during lockdown.

Erin, unfortunately, discovered a dead bee while out on her minibeast hunt! Love the photo, Erin !

Mollie-Rose created a very informative fact-file on bees and did some beautiful illustrations!

George was out on a nature walk yesterday and saw lots of bees!

Ruairi has been making a delicious cake to celebrate his Dad’s birthday!

Agnis’s sister, Avrora made the family a scrumptious cake yesterday and there’s still some left!

Robyn has been working on a comprehension entitled The Eagle and The Turtle and it was beautifully presented!
