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St Brides PS Belfast

The doctor visits P2 O'Prey

11th Nov 2019

On Friday a doctor came to visit P2. Don't worry no-one was sick we were learning about People Who Help Us. Eva's Mum, Dr Lisa was our guest speaker. First she showed us her bag. We had to guess what was inside it. Barra guessed there was a bandage. He was right. Dr Lisa bandaged his arm up. Next Amalia guessed there was a stethoscope. Dr Lisa showed us how to listen to a heart. Then she showed us an x-ray. Oscar Gerard knew it was an x-ray of a ribcage. After that Catherine put on the body organs apron. Hugo knew where the heart was and Alice knew where the kidneys were. Dr Lisa also showed us a thermometer and an otoscope. Finally everyone had a turn to use the bandages and the stethoscope. It was very exciting and we all learnt a lot. Thank you Dr Lisa!
