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St Brides PS Belfast

P5 Mackle Get Visit from Declan Lawn

1st Mar 2017

P5 Mackle were lucky enough to have a visit from a real journalist and BBC broadcaster, Declan Lawn! Mary was a very proud daughter, as her dad gave the class tips for writing a newspaper and how to be a good interviewer. The class enjoyed acting out a scene where there had been a member of the class involved in an incident on the Lisburn Road earlier that day. Soon, we had Emmet and Emily, our roving reporters on the scene with their press passes to interview those involved. The rest of the class made notes, like real reporters, focusing in on the 5w's of newspaper writing. After Declan had left, the children all wrote fantastic newspaper articles about the incident! Thank you Declan from all of Year 5! What a great learning experience.
