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St Brides PS Belfast

P1 Wynne Playtime in December

15th Dec 2017

We have been loving our Christmas Playtime in P1 Wynne. We have been so busy and learning so much. Lots of us have been busy in Santa’s workshop, helping Santa to wrap presents and even decorate Santa’s Christmas Tree. Then we helped to deliver his presents from his sack. There were presents of all shapes and sizes!!

We were weighing the presents we had wrapped to see which was heavier and which was lighter. Some even balanced the scales which meant they were about the same weight. We have been playing Numeracy games, using the dice and decorating the Christmas tree!

Our water tray has been transformed into a Winter Wonderland, with lots of ice. We have been talking about how it feels and what happens to the ice when it is inside.

At the dough table, we have been making lots of Christmas things, we made Rudolph, and snowmen and Christmas trees and even the star for the top of the tree.

At the construction table, we have been helping Santa deliver his presents, and making different buildings from 3D blocks for Santa to deliver his presents too.

We have also been using our jigsaw crib to retell the Story of Christmas. We know it so well! We like using the books too and seeing the lovely pictures of the Christmas Story. Some of us even hide the Baby Jesus behind the crib until he is born in our story. We have had lots of Winter Wonderland play, recreating stories, and even making up our own stories together.

In the sand tray, we are helping Santa to find his presents. They are all muddled up!! We have to find them and use our number-line to put them in the right order for Santa. We are great at sorting them for Santa!!

We are really loving our Christmas play and learning so much!!!
