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St Brides PS Belfast

Learn Sign Language With Miss Campbell - Days of the Week

7th Apr 2020

Have a look at the video of Miss Campbell. She has a special message for her class. I am sure the boys and girls in her class are delighted to see her and hear her cheerful voice. Why not have a go Year 2 Campbell? 

Learn or practice signing the days of the week at home with Miss Campbell!


“Hello boys and girls, it’s Miss Campbell. I hope everyone is having fun and staying safe at home. Now today I would like to teach you some sign language. Sign language is used as a way to communicate with deaf people and today we are going to be learning how to sign the days of the week. We are going to start off with Monday. I want everyone to just start with whatever hand they write with and use your pointy finger. You are going to move across your mouth twice.  Just like this, are you ready? Monday. Will we try one more time? Monday. You are just moving it across your mouth twice, bending your finger. Are you ready, lets practice. Monday. Monday. Are you practicing? Super! One more time. Monday. Brilliant well done everyone. So that’s our sign for Monday. What day comes next? Monday then…Tuesday. Brilliant! So for Tuesday I want you to take two fingers in both hands. Tuesday. You are moving your hands across one another. Tuesday. Can you see how my fingers are moving? Tuesday. Ok we will practice it one more time. Tuesday. Super! Brilliant! Do you think we could try it from the start? Are you ready? Monday, Tuesday…what day comes next? Wednesday super. Wednesday. So you are just tapping your fingers against your mouth. Just two fingers again. Wednesday. Wednesday. Ok let’s practice one more time, Wednesday. Super well done everyone! Will we try it from the start again? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and then…Thursday super! So for Thursday I want you to take a fist in one hand and open up your other hand. You’re just going to move it around in a circle just like this for you sign for Thursday. Ok let’s practice it together. Thursday. Thursday. Brilliant! Now our next day is my favourite day of the week, do you know what it is? Friday brilliant! So for Friday you are just moving your hands down your tummy like this for Friday. Friday. Will we try it one more time? Friday super! Will we try it from the start again are you ready? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and then for Saturday I want you to stretch your arm out, make a fist with your other hand and you’re just moving it down. Saturday. Saturday. Let me see you do Saturday. One more time. Saturday. Super. And our final day of the week is Sunday so you’re going to join your hands and clap them twice. Sunday. Sunday. Are you ready one more time? Sunday. And one more. Sunday. Super well done! Do you think we could try them all? Are you ready? Just copy me if you’re not too sure. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sunday. Brilliant well done everyone! Now I am going to sign some of the days, and I want you to see if you know what day it is/ are you ready? What day am I signing let me think? What day is this? Do you know what sign this is? It’s Thursday well done if anyone got Thursday. Super. What about this one. Do you know what day this is? Monday brilliant. And finally, this was my favourite day of the week. Does anyone know what thats the sign for? Friday super. Ok we are going to finish by doing all the days one more time. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday. Brilliant well done everyone. I hope you enjoyed learning your sign language today and remember to have fun and stay safe at home. Bye Bye!”
