Farewell to our Year 7 Pupils

Today we said a fond farewell to our Year 7 pupils. Many of them have been in St. Bride’s Primary School for 8 years as they went to St. Bride’s Nursery as well as the primary school. Others had joined in later years, some pupils arriving just this September. At 10.15am we had the presentation of The Records of Achievements in the hall with Mrs Quinn. There were many tears. We then went to the church to celebrate mass with Fr. O’Donnell. We were joined by many parents and grandparents. The mass was wonderful and Fr. O’Donnell reminded us how lucky we all were. He told us to focus on being thankful. The music and singing was lovely (thank you, Mrs Toal) and we sang some of our favourite songs including Circle of Friends. Afterwards we went to the Parish hall for some treats. Thank you very much to Fr. O’Donnell for the lovely mass, to our families for coming to the mass and to Miss Mc Givern, Mrs O’Neill, Mrs Kennedy, Mrs Turner, Miss Maguire, Mrs Boyle, Mr Cunningham and Mrs Gorman for their hard work with the Year 7 pupils all year. We would also like to thank our very hard working PTA for the lovely refreshments. Best wishes to our year 7 pupils. We are so proud of you.
St Bride's Primary School, 36 Derryvolgie Avenue,
Belfast, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland BT9 6FP
Tel: 028 90381700 | Email: info@stbrides.belfast.ni.sch.uk