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St Brides PS Belfast
Year 7 Leavers' Mass Tuesday 18th June at 1.30pm in St. Brigid's Parish Church
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Eco Committee Launches Another Exciting Project

24th Nov 2014
Eco Committee Launches Another Exciting Project

The Eco Committee launches another exciting project.

Did you know that printer ink is more expensive than rocket fuel?

Also, reusing ink cartridges will save a lot of resources. Only 20% of the energy used in a new cartridge is needed to recycle an old one. Recycled cartridges are sold at a lower cost than brand new. Cartridges that cannot be reused can be made into many other items needed in daily life such as soles for shoes.

In the past St Bride’s recycled some cartridges by sending them by freepost to a company in England. This arrangement was made quite a long time ago but now we have more local recycling facilities and a hardworking and committed Eco council at St Bride's, we thought it was a good time to investigate how we could do more.

We found a recycling company called Emptycartridge Recycling which has a facility in Northern Ireland near Newry. After discussing a few practical issues we wrote to Mrs Quinn asking for her permission  and we were really pleased when she gave us the GREEN light for the project. We are now registered and up and running with collection boxes in the Derryvolgie and Ashleigh foyers.  The money raised will be split between eco council projects and charity donations. Please support us by sending in all your used ink catridges.  The company has told us that the  smaller ink cartridges are usually the most valuable!! Many thanks and hope you can donate.  St Bride’s Eco Committee
