Access Keys:

St Brides PS Belfast

French Classes

French Classes will continue this year.

All classes are now held in the Ashleigh Site.

Kirsti will collect Yr 1-3 pupils and bring then to the Ashleigh Site where they can be collected from. 

Year 1-3 (2.00 - 3.00pm, Tuesday). Venue: Mrs Darragh's Room 

Year 1-3 (2.00 - 3.00pm, Wednesday) Venue: Computer Suite 

Year 4 -7  (3.00 - 4.10pm, Tuesday) Venue: Mrs Darragh's Room 

Year 4-7  (3.00 - 4.10pm, Wednesday) Venue: Computer Suite 

If interested please contact :



27th Mar 2015
Harry in Mrs Kennedy’s class loves the French Club. He goes on Wednesday afternoons...