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St Brides PS Belfast
Year 7 Leavers' Mass Tuesday 18th June at 1.30pm in St. Brigid's Parish Church
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P1 Wynne visit the Planetarium

23rd Feb 2018

On Friday 23rd February we went on our school trip to the Armagh Planetarium.

We came into school early and got on a big bus. The journey was quite long but we had fun. When we got to Armagh, the first thing we did was have our snack. Then we went in to a big room, a bit like a cinema, except the screen wasn’t just in front of us – it was on the ceiling. It was like a big dome shape! We watched two videos all about the planets and we learned lots of new facts.

Then we went into a room and got to make our very own rockets with our partner. We had to decorate the wings and the top of the rocket. The adults helped us to attach them and then we went outside to blast them off. We counted down each time and watched as our rockets blasted off into the sky. It was so exciting.

Then we went and had our lunch – making rockets is hungry work!! After we ate our lunch, we went downstairs and had a chat all about what astronauts need to wear in space. We found out some really interesting facts and hopefully can tell our adults some of them at home! We saw a spacesuit that the astronaut would need to wear. At the very end we got to try to astronaut ice-cream, it didn’t look like our ice-cream and it tasted a bit different too.

After our chat, the buses arrived to take us home. Some of us were so tired on the bus that we fell asleep on the way home! We had such a fun day, some of us even said it was ‘the best day ever!!’
